Hey Adalo Admins @ashley @Ben @anon78309838 Is there anything wrong that I did? Can’t figure out!
Maybe its an error on your side or a silly mistake on mine.
I am also posting a gif!
Hey Adalo Admins @ashley @Ben @anon78309838 Is there anything wrong that I did? Can’t figure out!
Maybe its an error on your side or a silly mistake on mine.
I am also posting a gif!
Hi @prakharm8 that gif is so tiny I cannot see any info there.
Can you please post the source video to that gif?
If your data is missing when looking at that “Available data” part of the screen, it means that the data will not be available for that screen.
You either need to;
A) Make sure the right data is being sent to that screen from every screen that is linking to it.
B) Remove the links to that screen from every screen listed in that “missing from” list of screens.
Done that colin. I don’t find any mistake. Could you help me out?
The “Current league” data is missing from a lot of screens (7 total). As you can see from the “Available data” of the “League Head-2-Head” screen.
This means that in those 7 screens, you are linking to this “League Head-2-Head” screen and in that link, you are not sending the current league data.
Yes, I get that. But I am linking the league list to ‘League Head-2-Head’ and its showing that 'Current league Data is sent to League Head-2-Head
But in League head-2-head available data, It doesn’t show current league.
And this league head -2-head is connected to various screens where the current league data is required.
Now because the current league data is missing in this screen itself, it is missing in the other screens too.
My problem here is - it shows that it is sending ‘current league’ data to League Head-2-Head, BUT League Head-2-Head screen shows that current league data is missing.
Like I said, if the flow of the data is broken by any screen, it will be broken for all.
So even though it is true that it is being sent from there to leage head2 head, that screen cannot only accept data from that screen, it has to accept it from EVERY screen it is linked to from. Otherwise how would it know which data to trust?
This is fundamental to how Adalo works.
Hi @anon78309838 – So what you are saying is, if I have 3 screens all sending data to a 4th screen and happen to delete a component from one screen that breaks data from one (which the 4th screen is expecting), the other 3 will need to be relinked manually. Is this right? This has happened to me many times and I don’t know what is causing this.
That depends entirely on if the link to the 4th screen is still active but the data no longer is. If the link is no longer active then you won’t need to take any action. The 4th screen will still continue to receive data correctly from the 3 others still connected.
If the link is still active but the data is no longer being sent. Then you will need to rebuild that to make sure that the data is being sent correctly.
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