Hello Victor,
Thank you for your valuable input & time!
Here are some details about my issue-
What will my app do - People will select their card type and then bank and respective card variant from the dropdowns and will add it in their account.
Later, they can go to the card dashboard which would be the list of their all the benefit type and amount they have.
I am also sharing an excel of my database.
Also, I have around 350-400 rows and 6-7 column so around 5000+ fields. Will Adalo would be slow? such 400 rows considered heavy database?
3.Also, I am have such option of database-
A = User+ card type (with Benefit)+Bank
B = User+ card type +Bank+ Benefits database table
C = User+ card type +Bank+ Benefits 1 + Benefit 2 + Benefits 3 database table
D = User+ card type +Bank+ Benefits 1 + Benefit 2 + Benefits 3 +Amount (as there are repetitive amount) database table
Which database schema would be best?
I know this is a long question if you have time please response.
Have a nice day
Thank you, Victor…