Need experts' help: reading Facebook page's data from Facebook API

Hello, I’m a complete noob when it comes to technical stuff, so would really appreciate it if anyone can show me a path at least on how to proceed with my problem. I want to be able to collect some info from a Facebook business page that I own, and put it into Adalo. The info will be: how many page inbox messages I have, how many are pending, how many are done, etc.

I’ve found the link from Facebook’s documentation here, which seems to have the info I need (scroll to the middle for the “Folders” section): Conversation - Graph API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

However, I don’t know the first step on putting this info into Adalo. Here’s my guess, correct me if I’m wrong:

  • I have to make a basic Facebook developer app that will allow Adalo to get access to my business page
  • I have to put that access into Adalo’s external database feature
  • I can then use Adalo’s magic text links to get the info

Hope I’ve been able to explain my problem. Any help from any experts out there who have a good understanding of how to do this would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

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Hey @AddyEdwin, you can reach out directly to Adalo experts on this page: Find Freelance Adalo Designers, Developers, & Agencies

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Thanks @anon78309838, I’ll probably do that. As you mentioned in this thread: How to Connect Facebook API to Adalo - #6 by AddyEdwin, is this something that’s not possible right now with the existing feature-set (via workarounds at least)? If it’s not possible now, I’ll wait for when it’s available

There are definitely some limitations imposed right now with how to handle data pertaining to FB especially due to the use of GraphQL.

You could reach out to some experts and ask if they have experience in the FB api specifically.


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