As of right now, I’ve built an inefficient way to track my team’s hours. What would be the best way to build a clock in/out tracker.
Hi @chrisatyt ,
There are 2 ways to ask for date time, through date time picker component or through form.
With picker you can not manipulate the date displayed, only user do, but with form we can update them beforehand so it will reflect according to our need.
So how inefficient is it what you mean ?
Two main reasons it’s inefficient and there must be a better way to do it. I have the clock out button show only when someone is clocked in this is done using a “count” filter.
Since some of my team will have multiple clock in/out entries throughout the day I have created 3 button sets total of 6 buttons.
The second thing that’s pretty inefficient is the way the data is recorded. As opposed to the data being updated on the same row, when someone clocks out it adds a new row.
Hi @chrisatyt ,
I made an example here, you can clone it to see what is inside.
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