Hi I have an issue where the numbers displayed in my app have commas and sometimes the last digit doesnt get pasted. I NEEED these commas removed and for the numbers to show as normal numbers. not everything thats a number needs commas!!!
i have been waiting for a couple weeks and have no response. PLease someone help me for the love of God.
Hello I am having an issue with my app. A user enters a 12 digit code that corresponds to a game(other app, not mine). This number displays on the user profile screen but I do not like the way it displays.
It shows like this: 123,456,789,123. Ideally it would display like this: 1234 5678 9123
Furthermore it is copyable but it does not copy the last digit. This is the bigger issue. I tried to change the value type to text but I cannot as the app is already in use. Does anyone know why this is h…
Hi David,
I would appreciate it if you took some screenshots or a video so we can see what you’re talking about.
For me the numbers in the database are showing up fine.
Make sure you’re making the number format “none”.
I made a video to show you:
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wow thank you so much! maybe this will solve my problem!
I just applied the settings i will test it now!
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July 21, 2021, 11:51pm
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