In my database I’ve created an property called “Phone number” and it is filled in with phone numbers. My plan is to enable users to make a phone call directly from the app by clicking the button created for it, but I have problem because my numbers are listed with commas, for example (5544,566).
I need to say that I tried to change the format of number to “None” but it is still showing with commas.
“Phone number number” is a Text property. The value inside that property already includes the “+” symbol. That’s why you only see tel:<Phone Number number> in the external link set up.
So when using the app, if users tap on “Call” it trigger the phone call.
Yea it’s working! Thanks a lot. I misunderstood the “+” sign and country code, I thought that I needed to write tel: + <Phone number Magic Text>. Now when I entered “+” into the text property, directly, it worked. Thanks again!