I currently have two tables, one User and one Events. A user can be owner of the event but can also be invited. So a User can be owner of multiples Events but an Event can only have one owner. An Event can have multiple guests and a guest can be part of multiple Event.
In a list, I try to display the Events where a User is owner and where a user is a guest of the Event. SO I tried the following :
After your 'Create Event" action, add an update action to update the current event. Add the logged-in user (event creator) to the event’s guest parameter.
A group can only have one “Created by user” and a user can have many Groups. Groups can have many admin users and a user can be an admin for many groups.
In this, a user is creating a new group and I’m adding the user as an admin to the group (like you should add your user to the event’s guests list).
Then, you only need “Logged in user > Guest Events” as the primary filter for your events list. No custom filters required.