Other records in another collectie

I have created a collection in the database: LIST, which includes: INPUT, OUTPUT, PROTECTIVE RELAYING, which belongs to almost all records. Now a different description must be given for about 4 records, such as INPUT, FUSE, OUTPUT. How can I apply this?


Hi @Annsofie90,

In general, there could be two approaches here.
Approach one: you add more properties to your collection. In the database, you add values only to those properties which have them (e.g. if FUSE value in reality doesn’t exist for some object, you leave it empty).
Then on the “Details” page, you display only those values which are not empty, using conditional visibility. E.g. you add a label text “FUSE” and label text for FUSE’s value (current LIST → FUSE). then you group them and make this group conditionally visible (if Current LIST → FUSE is not equal to empty).

Another approach will be to create a separate collection and store all product details there. E.g. you create a Details collection, add property “Name” and “Value” (both text), add a relation to LIST (so that one LIST can have many Details). Then you add the main info (common to all your products) into the LIST collection, and for each individual products you create required number of details.

And in order to display details, on the “Details” page you add a list of Details, filtered by Current LIST.

Hope this helps.


Hi, @Victor

Thanks for your answer, could you possibly show me option 1 in the database? Or in an example? I’m a beginner and apparently a bit more complicated than I thought. Thank you in advance.


Hi @Victor ,

Can you help me more with attached video? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Aa8OuNAs1AGa_jScw6TyOiUIYHSNOth9/view?usp=sharing

I’m getting stuck here… Then on the “Details” page you only show the values ​​that are not empty, using conditional visibility. E.g. you add a label text “FUSE” and label text for the value of FUSE (current LIST → FUSE). then you group them and make this group conditionally visible (if Current LIST → FUSE is not equal to empty).

Thanks in advance.
Grtz Annsofie

Hello @Annsofie90,

I’ve made a sample loom video for you explaining option one: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom


Hello @Victor,

Thanks for the loom video, now i understand and it works :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help.


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My pleasure, glad I could help!

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