Our little secret is out... Adalo 2.0 is here!

Hi Adalo Makers! :wave:

We’re so excited to finally let you in on our little secret — Adalo 2.0 — the largest launch in the history of Adalo!

Over the last couple years, we’ve been known as the native mobile app builder, but we had visions that were much more grand. While you could always publish to a custom domain, the experience felt a little lacking because you had to build both a desktop version and a mobile version of your app.

That ends today.

Now, with Adalo 2.0, you can build your app once & publish it anywhere. That’s right, the app you build can be published to a custom domain, for both desktop and mobile, and it can be made into a native mobile app. We truly believe that any customer-facing app needs to be accessed across any platform, but oftentimes that means twice the work. Not any more. We want to enable businesses of all sizes to take advantage of every screen size in their app development.

Let’s talk about some of the amazing features of Adalo 2.0:

:new: There’s a new app type in town.

As you create a new app, you’ll notice a new app type to select: a Responsive Web App. While it’s only one button on the create screen, this unlocks a whole new way to build your app. A Responsive Web App is able to be built specifically for every screen size & published across platforms — hello mobile devices AND desktops.

:eyes: What you see is truly what you get.

With customizations down to the screen size, what you see in the editor is actually what you’ll see once you publish. No more guessing what your app is going to look like on each device size, instead, you set up the constraints and visibility by device type & watch the magic happen.

:muscle: We’re flexing on Flexbox.

Have you ever built a responsive website before? If you have, you’re probably familiar with two popular systems to build with — Flexbox & grid. Oftentimes, these two systems led to constraints that came with a large learning curve or stifled your flexibility. We took our ever-popular style of visual development to a whole new level. Now, in the Adalo builder, you simply drag & drop your components and that’s where they’ll stay… (until you decide to rearrange them). We’re talking ultimate flexibility.

:traffic_light: Introducing web publishing controls.

Make changes to your responsive web apps without impacting your end users’ experience :100: With our web publish controls, you get to decide when changes go live!

There’s so much more to explore when it comes to Adalo 2.0. We strongly encourage you to check out our resources to learn more:

:nerd_face: Learn more about Adalo 2.0

:video_camera: Watch the Overview Video

:books: Take our Responsive Design Course

:page_with_curl: Check out our Help Docs

:sos: Get some help from our Experts

:star_struck: One last thing…

We’re launching on Product Hunt on April 21 at 12:01 AM PST. We’d love for you to show a little love — our team has been hard at work to bring this new approach to designing and building responsive web apps & we want to make sure everyone knows! :blue_heart:

Thanks for using Adalo & believing in the power of no-code — now go and build responsively!


yeyyyy!!! Can’t wait to build with this!
It also makes it easier for makers to sell templates that work on desktop and mobile on https://nocodeshare.co/

congrats to the Adalo team!!


Whoops! Saw this now! I’m sorry! ( created a topic for this too :sweat_smile: : Wohoo! Adalo 2.0 is live now! 🎉 )

This made me so happy today! Really appreciate your efforts guys! :raised_hands: :muscle: :clap:


Hi team!! Great news!!! This feature will be available only for new apps or older apps created in native apps?
Hope we can move from native to responsive without redesigning everything!

Many thanks in advance!

Hi @feliolivares,

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

I guess only for new apps :eyes: Katelyn or CX Team could confirm?

Thank you

That is correct!

The ability to copy a legacy app as responsive is coming soon! As noted in the help doc, the workaround for now is copying and pasting screens from legacy app to responsive app.



So exciting. Congrats!!!

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I found an issue with this. I don’t know if it happens with paid accounts, but it seems as though you can’t lock stuff to the bottom without the “Created with Adalo” logo pushing it up. It’s as though the logo is attached to the bottom corner of the screen vs floating over the top of the page and taking priority over the item you have on the bottom of the screen. Here are some pictures to see what I am talking about. Notice the grey circle at the bottom right. You can also test this by adding a bottom navigation bar to any screen. It will also float about 100 pixels from the bottom, or about 50 above the logo.

@John.Nope I am looking into this! It looks to only be affecting the free plan at this time but I have made the team aware.


Hey @CH_Team. How can I stick an element to the bottom now? To stick it to the top I believe I can use the new stick while scrolling toggle, but the old “fixed to the button” option is no longer available. Since the layout is rendered from top to bottom, I cant just use fixed while scrolling to stick my tabbar to the bottom of the screen (I use a custom tabbar)

@brunoribeiro You can toggle this on in the “Layout” section:

Screenshot 2023-04-20 at 8.01.34 PM

Unfortunately, it seems to take a back door to the “Created with Adalo” logo.

Adalo 2.0 is really impressive!!
I’m so proud of Adalo and jt’s team !

What we need is a new Template Store to get and sell templates easily (like bubble.io)

Adalo is now the #1 tool to build a full SaaS

This is truly amazing and a Huge step for Adalo. Do you think web apps built before will be able to transition smoothly to being responsive? As I really need my saas to be both web and mobile…

@John.Nope can you take another look! The team pushed out a fix that should resolve the behavior.


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This would have been so nice about a week ago since I just copy and pasted all of my mobile app screens over to the web app version and spent a lot of time copying the backend. When will we be able to convert over a web or mobile app version to Adalo 2.0 without having to redo anything on the backend like links or triggers?

This is so impressive and needed! Thanks Adalo team!

@Christopher99 the team is working on finalizing a few small bugs and hope to have it launched soon!



Hi Adalo team,

Congrats on the launch!

Question: how should one deal with different types of screens/navigation for mobile web and mobile native app?

Those usually have very different styles (hamburger menus vs nav/tab bars). How do you propose to go about that?

Congratulations! Exciting times :fire:


Excellent news, great to hear that, just saw the presentation. I am bit off my Adalo game for the past 1 year. But this makes me consider coming back Adaloing. The last updates you have, are really making a difference (I work and compare daily with other Low-code/No-code platforms).

If Translations comes and also integration with Mapbox/OSM, Adalo would start to be on the top top. Kudos and let’s see more coming :slight_smile:.