Pricing testimonials: what are you going to do?


Given the recent pricing change by Adalo, I was wondering what do you guys plan to do to deal with it?

  • Reduce the number of actions in your app and optimize it? If yes, will you force your users to download a new version of your updated app (with less actions)?
  • Remove some features?
  • If your app was free, make it profitable?
  • Or no change?

On my side, on the short-term I plan to remove recurring push notifications, remove a few features like a Favorite feature (I make a meditation app with songs), force users to download the updated app once I made those changes. I could do that next year just before the new pricing is applied but I am afraid to withdraw features to a more extended user database.

Thank you for your feedback!

You forgot option 5: cancel Adalo subscription, which is what I’ve done. I only use Adalo for design concepts using their free plan; my actual apps reside elsewhere.

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This is totally an option for me, but I don’t know what to do with my existing app… I would mean migrate my DB and create a new app on another tool.

Do you have an app that you created with Adalo and that is already live?

Sort of. Some of my Adalo projects were in phase 1 deployment stage, where I had made it available as a PWA to some tester groups. My largest project, which was set to move forward into phase 1 next month has obviously been scrapped through Adalo, and back at the development stage. None of my work through Adalo will ever be used for public testing or made available as more than just visual mock-ups (which I’m considering moving to Figma for that purpose anyway).

So, aside from my phase 1 apps, I didn’t have anything else, for instance, in the app stores, which would have really been negatively impactful given the current circumstances.

But, that aside, one of my primary projects, as noted, has just gone from “nearly ready to test” to completely starting over in the build process - since I couldn’t take my code from Adalo to use elsewhere. That aspect sucks, but it is what it is.

On the flip side, the situation with Adalo has actually been a positive one for me personally, as it forced me to explore other options, to which I’ve been pleasantly surprised as to what is available out there that enables a much stronger, faster, more resilient setup and deployment than what I was getting through Adalo. Of course, it’s taken some time to learn the ins and outs of a different method of development, but after about 10 days of study and trial/error experimenting, I have a reasonable handle on how to work with Flutter code directly, utilizing alternative low code builders, Nodejs and noSQL database schemas.

All to say, Adalo’s new pricing direction has actually expanded my knowledge and skill, so it’s a win for me in my book.


Thanks for your feedback, great to hear that!

This is pretty much my solution.

I’ve had an idea for a few niche apps and I’m using Adalo to build the proof of concept and generate some initial revenue. If/when that happens, and I can see the usage across integrations, I can put a pricing model together and use the money to hire 1-2 professional developers to build the native apps and host within AWS.

Adalo isn’t a long term solution for me, it never has been. Build the prototype, then move to something completely within my control.

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I will cancel and move to flutterflow. It comes with a steep learning curve but the speed is commerical ready and much better scalable.

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