Hi all! I had a task to load a list of products (1,500) into the application. I’ve never worked with Adalo before, so I’m a little confused about how to do this better.
All products are collected in the database “Collect”, but there are 3 more related databases “Category”, “Subcategory” and “Gallery” (relationships many to many and the last one is images).
I already realized that this import does not work, but what could be the solution?
Many to many is a hard one.
I have in the past used some kind of list in list setup, that resolves the relationship via text filters and updates it based on a countdown timer. You could maybe do batches of 20 in a list, updating one relationship at a time. It will crash the page from time to time but just reload it. This is just for batch input, not for production grade apps.
You can also commit a many to many relationship via the Collections API.
"relationship_id’: [31,50,67]
You could also ignore the adalo relationships and rely on a second ID field. It’s kind of how External collections work.