The progress bar doesn’t fill while the circlular progress bar does using the same formula for both in the same page of an app. Does anyone have a solution ?
What is the formula?
Try putting it in an input box and referencing the input box for the slider instead.
It doesn’t work. I used another progress bar solution via a kit. The solution proposed in adalo is not stable. It doesn’t even work just by setting a fixed value.
Thank for your proposal.
Hi @TDuquenne ,
Did you get something from the marketplace? Which kit are you referring to?
I’m using a cloneable kit.
I don’t know how it came to be but there is actually a newer version of ‘progress bar’ in the marketplace.
The newer version has styles as an option.
Also, see Victor’s post from yesterday about the order which data is rendered
Sorry but in the marketplace the ‘progress bar kit’ don’t have a new version. The last update was 2 years ago ?!
What i have to do to reach a new version ?
OK good to know.
I have some legacy components it seems. Strangely I can’t get that Component from the marketplace.
Does your formula work in an input box alone?
I’m using data from external database (Xano). I need to calculate the information for progress bar with some fields of data.
Awesome! Xano can help.
Add a faux integer or decimal field to your Xano table. Then refresh in Adalo so that it recognises the new field.
Do the maths in Xano and return the value on your endpoint that the progress bar points to. It will be SO much quicker.
Thank for your help. Everything is ok for me now.
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