PWA icon Android!


I’m rolling out a PWA and I understand that IOS will prompt to add to the home screen, what is the best way to do this with Android or best practice to inform and encourage the users?


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Either use a modal or pin a banner at the top bar of your screen to communicate it…

Is there a reason why you don’t to publish on App stores?

I’m in the same boat. Thanks for Asking. I was just going to remind users via modal, or on other screens.

On a different note; you may want to test / keep in mind (I could be wrong or it could have been fixed)

Changes made to a PWA are quickly updated if viewed in a browser; just refresh.
If the PWA has been saved to the home screen, prior to the update, the PWA via tapping on the app icon, will not be updated… until users ‘add’ it to the home screen, again.

Again, I would test this – just so you are aware. This is how it was acting for me about a month ago. I have not tested it lately.

I found that iterating based on customer feedback is faster & easier w/ PWA

It can only be done if the user previews with Google Chrome.

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