Qr scanner code doesn't active camera

Hi everyone
Still creating my new app but i’m confronted with a problem. I use the qr scanner component so that the user validate a order but the component doesn’t active the camera. I can just see the screen like attached in image.
Can somebody help me ?
Maybe I don’t know yet how to use this component . I notice that i’am in test mode (PWA)
Thanks you

Hi Nouama,

The Marketplace one works with only Native apps! Since you are testing this with the PWA version this component will not work, unfortunately!

Knight from Visual Dev Studio and Steven from Pragmaflow created two QR Code Scanner components that work with PWA’s! ( Not sure if the Pragmaflow one works still because Pragmaflow team does not maintain them in the present but you can try the Knight’s one )


Thank you

@dilon_perera thanks you very much

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