Questions-In-app Purchases

Hey Adalo Family,

I have a question about Adalo in-app feature.

Back story: I created an app for virtual calls for users to have the ability to set their own schedule and prices they want to charge per booking. I used Stripe Connect so users can get paid and we as a company would just take a platform.

I thought we was already to go, but nope…Apple said we needed an in-app component to our app.

I did see the new IAPHUB for in-app purchases.

My questions are:

  1. Can in-app be connected to Stripe so users can get paid out through Stripe Connect?

  2. How can users create their own price, when Apple has pricing structures they want you to pick from when creating in-app products?

If anyone has insight on these questions please let me know or if you need clarification please let me know. Thanks in advance!

  1. I don’t believe in-app purchases on Apple can be connected to Stripe. I have never heard of that.

  2. I would contact Apple Developer support directly or check their forum. They should have more information about it.

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