Random Picker Help


I am trying to create a button that a user can click and get a random number each time they tap the button. When I try to use the random picker with RAND(2,20) in the magic text area it doesn’t seem to want to work. I don’t want to store the numbers in a data base as I already have a fair number of databases in use for this app, I simple want to display a new number each time the button is tapped.

Any help would be appreciated even if it is just to let me know that this won’t work.

Thank You,
A. Kefi

Hi @AshKefiWriting

You should create a number property in the user’s collection and then set up a random function on a button. After that, you need to update the logged-in user with that random number output and then you can show that particular number with a text component on your screen.

In this case you’re not creating a separate database, you are just creating a single property in existing database where you can save that output as a temporary number.

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Thank you, the help is much appreciated.

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