Thanks @Ben! So if I’m clear, we can create any record we want, but we’re only able to update/delete a ‘current’ record. (Gonna have to redesign my workflow a little )
@vkidd32 I’m using a mirror of my external data, so I ave 2 Dbs and can’t do it the simple way. Thanks.
Would love to get your help with the next step. Using this mirror/hack setup, is there any way to allow a user to save/follow a ‘group’ of events at once?
This is absolutely possible if you stick a group into the chain. Eg, if a user follows one event, create a new group, stick the event in there, and follow the group instead. For your list, show the group’s events.
If you want to curate groups of events, then you can do so, show a list of groups and have the user follow those (the user will get all the events in the group).
I’m trying to take it one step further (if possible) by allowing a user to follow groups of events (e.g. MyGym/Spinning and MyGym/Weights) and automatically see multiple events (from all groups) in one feed.
Can this be done in Adalo alone? (I hope so!) Or is the only way (maybe) to try use Zapier to mirror all the events and groups into Adalo, in advance, so they can be followed in bulk with one click. (I hope there is an easier solution!)
Am I right in my understanding that you want to show a list of Collection Items; filtered where ID is in Current User’s Followed Items OR Type is Spin at Gym 1, for example? I’m not sure that will be possible just yet. We don’t yet have “OR” options when building lists.
What fields do you have in your external collection that might be of use?
One option might be to create mirror categories at the same time (eg, spin) and mirror gyms (eg, Gym 1) and follow those, but I think you’ll still have trouble getting them back into the same list without an OR.
Linking the user to the group isn’t the hard bit (you can simply mirror the group and do it exactly the same way). When a user clicks follow, you’d do two actions - one to follow the event and one to follow the group.
It’s showing the group and the individual events in the same list which is troublesome. Is that what you actually want to to? If you were prepared to use two screens, you could make them look like tabs using this technique: Two list in one screen
Thanks Ajay, I’m still not totally clear on what you want the end result to be in terms of the list you show the user. If you want just groups (but not events) then you need to be mirroring groups rather than events locally, and having the user follow groups rather than events.
Do these groups exist in AirTable and are you pulling through a group name or similar in the event’s API record?
You could create local ‘groups’ and have the user follow those.
Eg, if an event has ‘MyGym/Spinning-1’ as a text field, when a user follows that event, create a group with that name and have the user follow that group. When creating your lists, have it filtered the API results to contain ‘MyGym/Spinning-1’
So this would normally require an OR statement (you want the user to see all events in Group A OR Group B). I can’t think of a workaround for now, but will see if anything comes up.
I did come up with the idea to create a mirror table in Airtable, where I create a record for every follow, and add the user’s email and the group followed to each record. I then have Airtable create a field that has a string of ‘followers’ (user emails) for every event (based on the group it’s in), which I can use as a filter in Adalo.
Amazingly, this worked really well. However I got stuck with writing a single ID to a relationship field. It’s seems that it needs an Array format [“ID”] which Adalo doesn’t support. Is there any workaround for that? I’m thinking there is a way to write it as a string and have Airtable convert it back to a relationship but haven’t found a way to do that yet.