Save recipes to a personalized filtered list

I’m building a recipe app where users can save recipes by a toggle function to a filtered list on their profile page. Similar to what you can do on Instagram for a post. However, due to the volume of recipes, users lists will grow quickly. To solve this, I would like to allow users to “create a new collection/list” and assign their saved recipes to these collections.

For example, a user saves a recipe that can be viewed in his/her “saved recipe” screen. As a second step, the user can click a button to move a specific recipe to a collection, e.g. Christmas, Ice Cream, etc.

I know how set-up the app so that users can save / unsave recipies but I cannot figure out how to set-up the database and build the screen, including actions, to allow categorisation (per user) for each recipe.

Appreciate any insights on this topic!

Read a bit on the forum about a JOIN table. I think this will give you what you need.
In essence your table is made up of 3 relationships

User , Recipe, User_Category

User category can be their own categories created (another join table), or a stock list across the whole app (flat table)

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