Is it possible to include a search field for a dropdown list.
I have a list of schools in my app and the list will be quite long, so I want to facilitate the selection for the user. Besides the length sometimes the name of the school may not be the way the person is searching making in even harder.
you create an additional field in Users collection, call it “number of selections”, and increase its value each time the selection is done in Multiselect dropdown (and decrease in the opposite case). As you will probably need some action button to proceed, the action with this button will be conditional (“number of selections” = 1). You can also display the message if “number of selections” > 1.
you use a mix of input field and standard dropdown. In the standard dropdown, you add a custom filter, smth like “School name” Contains InputX value.
instead of dropdown, you use a list + input field. And you filter the list with the same filter as above. Then eventually the user will get a smaller school list and can click directly on the list item.