4). problems :-
1:- Every retailer needs to get the details of customers created by him on his home screen even after login or what to do?
2:- Every retailer should know the customer who comes to him, even if he is a registered customer in our app, even if it is a register (login), the retailer should know the details of the customers created by all the retailers, that is, how should the data be created in the database?
3:- Even if I am an admin, how many retailers are there through my app in the home screen that is given to me only? How many customers are there under the same retailers? How should I create the data in the database so that I get the data?
4:- Such newly created retailers or customers should be taken in such a way that the data with their details will be created in the database only after I approve them.
5:- Every registered customer can use this free service for one time period, for example 1 year (1 year subscription plan). Here on the home screen, when the retailer searches for the customers’ details, the customers’ details are ready, but the subscription expiry date cannot be created in that way. It means that in the customer details, it is not understood how much time is left for the 1 year subscription plan to expire for that customer. In the automatic field,
For example :-
[(Customer register date + 1 year = subsciption validity date)
(Subsciption Validity Date - Current Date = Remaining Expiry Time Period) ]
How should it be displayed?
Hope someone can help me please!
And also for their valuable reply in return!
Thank you!
For a little explanation!
I’m the admin, I’m going to make it up. And there is a retailer and that retailer’s customers. Consider a grocery store type for example.
But now, when a new retailer (think Retailer A) signs up with his username and password, a new home page will appear. Now the retailer clicks the (+) icon button to create his customers and enters the add customers page (screen). The retailer receives its customers’ details through input data and stores its details in the customers’ data base. Thus he creates a new customer in his account and returns to the home page. Here on this home page he will see the details of recently created or created customers on the home page. To make this easier, the retailer also has a search bar on the home screen. Due to this he can search the details of his customers, either with the name of the customer, with the phone number or with the email id of the customer and get the complete details of his customers.
Now the problem :- 1). Here, even if I sign up in my app, every retailer (think Retailers B, C, D…etc), even if they have the same data as (Retailer A) who registered earlier, these new retailers are coming to the home screen.
2). So every retailer, even a new signup, should get a new home screen and only the customers created by this new retailer should be on its home screen. But how to create it? Hope you can help me.
3). Here I have another problem. That is, new retailers have created their own home screen only for their customers. And in the bottom navigation bar, I’ve given another search bar for each retailer, even if it’s an app admin. What is this for, in case any customer who has registered in our app comes to the retailer, as our retailers provide free service to him, so with the search bar given in this navigation bar, who is our customer? or ? For the retailer to know that, every customer details created by each retailer can also be entered in the search bar (open on the other search bar screen) given in this navigation bar, the details of the customer i.e., customer’s name, customer’s id given when the customer was created, or customer’s mobile number. , or search by email id has been arranged. Here every retailer also knows the customer details with the search bar in this navigation. That means I have created the form and required screens. But
4). problems :-
1:- Every retailer needs to get the details of customers created by him on his home screen even after login or what to do?
2:- Every retailer should know the customer who comes to him, even if he is a registered customer in our app, even if it is a register (login), the retailer should know the details of the customers created by all the retailers, that is, how should the data be created in the database?
3:- Even if I am an admin, how many retailers are there through my app in the home screen that is given to me only? How many customers are there under the same retailers? How should I create the data in the database so that I get the data?
4:- Such newly created retailers or customers should be taken in such a way that the data with their details will be created in the database only after I approve them.
5:- Every registered customer can use this free service for one time period, for example 1 year (1 year subscription plan). Here on the home screen, when the retailer searches for the customers’ details, the customers’ details are ready, but the subscription expiry date cannot be created in that way. It means that in the customer details, it is not understood how much time is left for the 1 year subscription plan to expire for that customer. In the automatic field,
For example :-
[(Customer register date + 1 year = subsciption validity date)
(Subsciption Validity Date - Current Date = Remaining Expiry Time Period) ]
How should it be displayed?
Hope someone can help me please!
And also for their valuable reply in return!
Thank you!