Show an image instead of # from slider?


As you can see here, I’m able to get an average # for each entry. But what I’d like to do is instead of a # showing, to show a specific emoji OR be able to change the color of the # based on what level it falls.

Is this possible and if so where would i start?


Hi @marklive :wave:

You mean like this?

Thank you

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Hi Mark @marklive,

You can show different emoji using visibility conditions. E.g. you add 10 emojis, make them conditionally visible (based on the value adjusted by slider, use ‘between’), and then as a result you’ll have only one emoji displayed.

Changing color could be done using similar way… though there is another more interesting opportunity. I’ll update with the results.

Best regards, Victor.

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Hi Mark @marklive,

Here is something which could be interesting for you: Adalo hints: Slider value is displayed in colour (basic and advanced setup) - YouTube


Best regards, Victor.


Thanks for all this. This will come in handy for my project and hopefully for others.


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