Social Share Tool Bugs


I am just wondering if any of you have experienced the same bugs i am experiencing with the Social Share Tool.

  • when creating an apk of the app, the social share button does nothing when clicked.

  • on preview, the social share works on the browser, but the facebook function has the problem that the text does not get passed on to the social share post.

Do any of you have a solution to this problem?



Can someone assist on this?

I have come to the conclusion that the text i would like to post does not appear on the facebook post to share… but if i add facebook link - it does capture the link to share.

This is using generic share from @Pragmaflow_Toni component. I just need to add the text to the post and i would be done with this bug / issue.



Attached ive displayed what i get when clicking on the share button. As you can see the link i added to the text field is displayed (the link to my profile)… but the text is missing.


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