Solved: Cannot copy/paste screens currently

Update:: It was the StopTheMadness extension that was blocking Adalo’s ability to utilize ⌘C/⌘V. It’s a fantastic extension for stopping all of the crazy stuff that takes over your browser but in this case I want Adalo to take control over those commands.

Copy/Paste of screens seems to not be functioning.

I made a brand new app and it doesn’t work in that one either. I’ve tried in numerous browsers as well.

Any ideas?

Please select screen.
First ctrl+c then ctrl+v.
That’s all
I hope this is helpful for you

This is what I have done many times before, except on the Mac we use cmd+c then cmd+v.

I don’t use MAC
I only use Win 10

Is copy/pasting a screen working for you at the moment?

My System is Window 10.
Copy/pasting screen is good working now
I tried copy/past just now

Thanks for checking!

You are welcome
I have one question

can you delete screen now?
I can’t delete now

I can delete screens just fine.

Okay, I figured it out. There was a multi-browser extension that was blocking sites from taking over ⌘+Anykey :man_facepalming:t2:

please tell me more detail

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