Hi everyone and thank you for help in advance!!
I just have a question about the Stripe subscription component. It connects perfectly to stripe, and everything goes well but after the payment is successful you cannot get any data from that subscription, either ID or end date or anything.
I am making an app of people subscribing to a workout plan and there is no way to know when the subscription ends and how to make some stuff visible or not visible if the person cancels or anything like that.
I guess I am just struggling to see the point of that component when it only creates the subscription on the Stripe account and cannot make any connections with your Adalo database.
Does anyone have any input about this?
Would appreciate the feedback and let me know if there is a way to solve this thing?
Best regards
You will need to use some 3rd party platform like Make to get the information back from Stripe subscription. Usually it works like a triangle: subscription is done in Adalo, then Make receives the info from Stripe using webhooks, and updates necessary fields in Adalo using Adalo Collections API (you also need a plan which supports this feature).
I implemented such setup multiple times and it works pretty well, although implementation could be cumbersome.
Thank you Victor, I thought it would be something like that yes just wasn’t sure!! So you need a team plan in adalo where you can connect with certain collection in adalo if I am right ?
I appreciate the feedback and confirmation that my feeling was correct!!
Yes, that’s correct. Hopefully Adalo make Collections API more affordable in future.
An alternative would be to store Stripe subscription information elsewhere and get it in Adalo in some way (e.g. External collections), and use this data to manage subscriptions inside Adalo app. But this will increase app complexity, so it’s not clear what makes more sense - spend time (=money) on more complex integration or pay higher subscription fee.
I actually did connect stripe external connection of subscription and customers but it is not possible to match the user in adalo database to the subscription and find the user with certain subscription since i can not populate adalo user database with anything !! Pretty strange, that only the pay component is the most straight forward, for payments in adalo or you need to right away upgrade to the team plan in adalo !!
Let me know if you had any other idea in mind with the external connection
I’m not sure what do you mean by connecting Stripe external connection. What I was meaning that you could have some other database connected as External Collection, and store the subscription info there, and also somehow create a match of a record there and record of a User in Adalo database. This may remove the need for Collections API, but the setup will be more cumbersome and also will increase the probability of errors.
Long time ago Collections API were available for anyone on paid plans, but this changed in mid-2023.
Yes, i see so i think the main takeaway is that for stripe subscriptions you need to upgrade plan or you will be struggling to connect it!!
Thank you very much Victor