Supported mobile App resolutions?


I’ve had one of my users email me to let me know my App isn’t rendering very well on a Galaxy G8 phone. I’ve checked Google’d the resolution to find it’s 720 x 1480 pixels, apparently.

I’ve also now installed a plugin in Firefox that lets me test a few mobile device resolutions. I can recreate the same issue when I set it to iPhone 5.

Now my first thought is these are pretty old devices; however I’m wondering what the minimum resolution is?

Here’s a few screen shots taken from the Firefox plugin

Thanks, Matt

Hi Matt.
Is it a responsive built app?

Hi Rozza,

Yes it is a responsive build. I think the issue was my custom list and grouping that was wrong. I’ve made some changes and it now works fine in the iPhone5 emulator (Firefox plugin), however now has gabs on iPhone11. I’m about to try changing my Home Screen width… could this be the issue?


iPhone 12 Pro
Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 19.27.25
Screen settings

I’ve fixed the issue! I had a Custom Layout set for mobile which was why the list wasn’t calling correctly.

In short this entire issue was related to not fully understanding Responsive design and having a few random fixed widths here and there. I’m now changing all of these throughout the App.


My suggestion was going to be this… I have noticed on responsive designs the screen can go narrower than the defaults set by switching between mobile, tablet, desktop, at the top of the screen in editor view, something to watch out for if you have “fixed” width components. It will look fine until you have a skinny screen.

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