Test my App & Give Feedback

Hello I’m in the alpha stage of my app and i would like some feedback on my LLC filer app, as well as adding Stripe & Send-grid API.

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@PhilipRobinson I’ve tested your apps.
If you need an honest opinion there are many think need to be polished before launch/live. for example, when I sing up with my email and password it’s redirecting me to the following page

User needs to understand what type of data they’ve to provide (is this personal info or company info?) and also when I’m giving my signup email there is showing

already exist
and many more…

Sorry if I’m wrong… and keep it up.

Thank you and a full tear down of all that you feel it needs would be appreciated. I’m new to the space and I am looking for all the critical analysis of app inner working from this side as a dev.

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