The custom list search/filter question

Hi ladies and gents! Can somebody help? I need to make search/filter the custom list of users. The logged in user should have the possibility to search/filter by: last log-in time (on-line status, updated when visiting Home screen), Name/Family name, Location and some other user attributes. ???

Can anyone advise?

What I tried already:

I tried to add "text input - “or” condition filters to the list, but “or” in Adalo only works to similar type of conditions. I.E.: if user e-mail… or if user all does contain. But not both at the same list. Adding one type switch off other type conditions. And the condition-text input method works very poorly.

I tried as well the simple list and card list. Search/Filter works perfectly for all the magic texts I put into the list/card. But those lists are limiting me from adding the features like “on-line status” and others.

Can somebody help please?

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