Things are better this morning

I can pleasantly say that Adalo is running smoother this morning and last night than in previous days this past week. Not sure why, but the editor is working better/not lagging quite as much and my front-end app is actually working somewhat as expected, though I’m still miffed that the previewer will show one thing while the mobile version will look different, but it’s workable.

As being able to offload photos to Airtable has been a lifesaver, though initially, despite a successful connection, it didn’t work/perform the action for whatever reason. And glad I found someone on here who figured out how to make the Airtable create record button also direct to another page following the Airtable action - that was a bit of a time consuming headache that should probably be noted in the Adalo/Airtable user guide.

Anyway, things are moving along nicely on my next project - hopefully it won’t take a year to build and deploy, given it’s feature-rich but far simpler than the other digital paperweight currently sitting idle.

Hope others are finding success with their apps also.


Thank you for your kind words! We made improvements to the editor so you can have a better development experience. We’re also working on improving and creating amazing new stuff for our makers.

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