Trouble Creating Tab Bar - More List

Hello all! My name is Austin, and I have been working with Adalo only for the last few days doing a No Code / Low Code Training course.

I have an app some developers and I are working on, but we cannot get the Tab Bar or App Bottom Bar menu for more to extend upward for more options like:

  1. Categories List (goes to that page)
  2. Same thing, simple extra or more button to navigate the other four pages.

Below is where my problem is. When I preview the app, it always shows it anyway, and the app icon is way further up. Any ideas or pointers? Thanks.

Hi Austin,

Welcome to the Community! :partying_face:

I’m glad you chose Adalo!

Did you try linking to a screen with the icons and making the background transparent and the screen transition set to none?

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Hey @James_App_Maker!

Thank you so much for the warm welcome to the community. I now have such a fantastic view of this forum, so thank you again for that.

Well, I am not sure exactly what you mean. Should I just make the entire tab bar with my own icons? Even then, I do not think it would work.

I want a dropdown (well, drop up) menu, and for the life of me, I wish I knew more about this app for the life of me. I am a “code from scratch” person, and I learn everything from HTML5 - React, which I built my Web Developer portfolio in here.

Yet…I cannot get this to work. Is this what you meant?

Edit 1 - changed image.

But get this.

I meant that when you click on “more” it links to a screen (screen transition set to none) that has the icons displayed with a transparent background. I’ll try to send you a cloneable example of it later today.

Click the “more” button at the bottom and you’ll see the result. Feel free to clone the app and check it out. (make sure to group the icons and set it to “bottom”)

It looks like you’re trying to get the more menu to show up on the same screen - not a modal (which also works).

Looks like your mistake was not grouping the rectangle and the icon. You’ve only anchored the rectangle to the bottom of the screen.

Group the rectangle and icon, then make that group has the visibility rule of “visible when more button is true.” Also anchor the group to the bottom, not the rectangle.


I will give that a try right now and see if it works. This seems like the solution since mine wasn’t grouped together. Thank you, I am headed off to try it now.

Would a Modal be better? I am still relatively new to Adalo, but eager to learn!

I think in this case either option would be fine. I use both methods in my app depending on what I’m doing. I keep it on screen for example when I need to go directly to the next screen without going through a modal, because when I go back, I want to go back to the first screen instead of the modal. But since this is a top level screen you can just link to the screen itself instead of linking back.

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So, I clicked on the rectangle and icon, and clicked “Make Group”:

And this is the final result that leads to the same issue.

Would adding a transparent action button there be better? I cannot figure this out, and I apologize for bothering everyone with this. Thank you so much for the help so far from everyone. What a fantastic community!

You guys and gals are the opposite of Stack Overflow, :joy:

Check out this video: 2021 12 13 13 33 56 - YouTube (new video)

It’s taking forever to process. Basically, you need to select both the rectangle and the icon to group them. I also show how you can toggle the menu on and off.

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Thank you so much!
I will watch the video, go over the clone, and get it to work.
I love this community, and I do not want to upset anyone with my lack of skills here.
We are learning Bubble, Webflow and Adalo within two weeks, so I am just new to it.
If I was in Visual Studio Code, I would have written the code for it already, haha.

Happy to help. Coding is way over my head, Adalo is definitely easier to learn!


Oh man, I love coding. I made this in React: SD

It showcases a lot of my experience and coding work. I actually just graduated with my Associate Degree in Computer Science / Web Design last Friday, so I need to update the website anyway, haha.
So…should I just wipe it, and make a custom rectangle with icons and text under them?
Or keep going, and trying to make this more button work?

If you would like to check my code or copy it, I made it open source basically: GitHub - spragginsdesigns/reactportfolio: Austin Spraggins Web Developer Portfolio

God Bless you guys! It works, thanks for the video and everything!!!


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