You would need two screens. The first screen is a list of all the users in the app, then for the click action, you link to the 2nd screen, then in the forum, you would do “update current user”.
That should be good, but before the “Athlete Profile” Sreen, do you have a list of athletes? So when you press a athlete it goes to the profile screen then you can edit the CURRENT user.
Whatever you want, are you the admin viewing the screen? Because when you click on their name on the list, you would probably want to see their details, then IF you want there is a button the go to the 3rd screen to edit the athlete profile.
So this might be a bug? When I went back to double check the Data Collection which I’m trying to update, it only showed the Collection it has a relationship with [Teams]
Edit, tested this and yes it did update the [Teams] Collection
No bug, here, found the user error. Be sure to name your connections accordingly. Forms work by screen by default and I didn’t realize this because I duplicated the form components and didn’t rename them. Lesson learnt!
Also when I updated the User Collection to “Member” the name changed didn’t reflect in the Relationship.