Hiya @dilon_perera , in the above thread you helped @Henrikcox figure this out, and was wondering if my situation is similar… I as well am working collection that has a many-to-many relationship between ‘Users’ and ‘Teams.’ As a Team MAnager I’m trying to add a new player and then update that player to be on my specific team. I’ve tried both Add New Member or Current and it simply creates a new blank record in the Team Collection… I had it working prior but now it’s driving me nuts and I can’t figure out why… any ideas? Would greatly appreciate it.
Thx Dilon, at least I know now New Member is correct, but yeah it must be something else, I did delete the update action, I even went as far as creating a new team, but still does it. I’ll try to get more information. But this page does have access to the correct data
Can you provide a screen recording that displays your screens, lists that lead to the current screen, on-screen actions, and the actions to create member/update team?
The mixup here is that you shouldn’t have both “Current Member” and “New Member” as options to select. So we have to figure out where you’ve linked the current member before creating the new one.
Oh man that did it! I had a link sending the current member data to that screen, removed it and it works! Help me understand haha, was it getting confused with current/new and just bailed hence creating a new record? thank you so much!