Users profile, data, etc

Hi all,

For a small recipe social app & a users profile screen, I need a profile page where it is displaying “current users” details

I also require one for “current recipe - user” profile and “current comment owner” profile

Can I combine these 3 into one profile screen or do I need individual profile screens for this?

Hi @TechaSoftware

Yes, you can combine everything on a single screen. To achieve this, link all the databases to the user collection. When a user clicks on a profile card (from a list connected to the user collection), you can display all the associated data by connecting it to the respective database collections.

Thank you @ishantanusrivastava!

Any idea if there are tutorial videos on this?


No tutorial video as of now.

Hi you can combine but I don’t recommend it (at least until the performance is improved on Adalo)

You can create a screen for each data source, one screen for current user, one for current recipe - user, one for current comment - user

Since the data source is different for all of them, it will be straightforward working with magic text,

However you can design the screen once and copy it multiple times, just need to change the magic text each time

Hi there,

I think this is the way I’ll go, I’m still confused as to how to combine it all into one.

Yeah at least I can copy and page them and just change the magic text, that’s what I’ve been doing up until now. It’s straight forward and it doesn’t take too long to do that :ok_hand:t2:

Thank you

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