Web app responsive navigation

How do i create responsive web app navigation? finding dificult to place links inside app bar it does not shows on preview or final result. creating horizontal text list does not work as responsive…

please help me out. Is that hard to build web app ? such as CMS or like a news media site.

Adalo currently working with web app responsivity, currently, you could work in phone mode, but if you want your website t to be responsive here is 1 limitation, just build in the middle of the page, not a right or left!

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Thanks, i’m really waiting for the web responsive release, any one out there to tell approximate time for that release?, only that issue people look for some other tool. As i’m a pro user for Adalo, i would expect this release as soon as possible :slight_smile:

Web apps 2.0 is ongoing. I know they’ve started development. I think we’ll see the first release(s) in the next two months.

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Any updates for web app features? any approximate time like when will be releasing?

Last I heard the project was on hold for other projects. I don’t know a timeline for this.


I am assuming you know that they’ve recently released the responsive editor…