What is the best way to back-up data?


what is the easiest way to back up data from collections?

How does Adalo back-up the data? Who is responsible for them?

Thank you in advance!!


Hi @Tereza,

The easiest way for a Maker is to download CSVs from the database section in app builder manually.
There are some automations I did for my clients which do the backup automatically, but this will require an access to Collections API (which is available only on Teams plan +, except for some legacy accounts).


Hi @Victor, thank you very much for your answer.

One thing I would like to make clear. If I download just the csv files, the relationships from the database are lost, right?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @Tereza,

The relationship M:1 (e.g. if you have many Items which belong to one User) can be seen (you have a column in CSV which has the name of the “parent” item).
M:M and 1:M relationships are lost.

You can back up the data quite easily, but restoration will be mostly manual. It could be automated with the access to collections API, but this will require quite a bit of effort, especially in complex cases (e.g. if you’d like to restore only particular records in one table and recreate all the relationships).


Thank you very much for all your answers :heart:

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