2 Factor Authentication for Adalo App Creators

Hello @Adalo_CXTeam @David

First, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you and the entire team for creating such a wonderful tool that empowers millions to pursue their dreams and create their apps/businesses without coding.

I am writing to express my concern regarding the absence of two-factor authentication (2FA) in Adalo. Given the increasing number of cybersecurity incidents, hacks, and data breaches, it is crucial to have this security feature. It is frightening that we still do not have it. Could you please let us know if 2FA for app developers’ admin accounts is on the roadmap and if it might be implemented soon?

I believe this is an essential feature that many solutions already offer, and it would greatly enhance the security of our projects.

Best regards.

I had never really considered this until now.

I am making an app for a finance company and they require 2FA to secure their data. I can make a version of 2FA for the app - but the database is obviously visible in my Adalo builder. I therefore can’t promise to protect their data within my developer account.

A 2FA option would be essential for Adalo. Thanks