Hey Shunki, with iAp Digital purchase (not stripe) I have asked the same question in the past and the only way I have come up with that might work is allow the user to purchase days or “credits”. In my case I done the following:
Set up an action when a user arrives to the home screen which will redirect (sometimes) if the current users plan end date is before current date.
If the user end date has passed they will be redirected to the paywall where I have set up to allow the user to purchase +60 days from today. +90 days +180 days etc…
When the iAp google/Apple payment is successful, I update the current user end date by +60, +90, +180 days from current time (today).
This checking process will then make the user hit a paywall to then manually purchase more days/credits.
I welcome any other persons feedback on a better way, but for now that’s what I have done, as I can’t wait any longer for iAp subscriptions.
To add a trial of 14-30 days, when a user signs up I set user end date by +14 or +30 from today.
Hope this helps.