Adalo 3.0 - big steps forward for Adalo!

@james.crennan Dear James! How can I request the database optimalization?

I would like to have my apps in the new structure and pay for the new plan

The Adalo team continues working on performance improvements and so we wanted to pass along a brief update.

  • We are in the midst of auditing all third-party JavaScript and CSS that has historically been integrated into the infrastructure, and serves no end-user purpose. The removal of one such snippet resulted in a 20% speed increase to our test apps, and there is more to come.

  • An audit of our CDN indicates that many apps are referencing files (images, downloads, etc) that no longer exist. Despite returning a 404 for missing assets it’s important to keep in mind these requests and responses are nonetheless still occurring. All Makers-- please audit youc apps and remove references to files that no longer exist. Our team is currently working on a report that will be distributed to Makers having apps containing frequently requesting missing assets.

  • Extensive audits of non-performant apps show that Makers are packing far too much logic into single screens rather than breaking screens up into sub-screens. To help Makers understand how to optimize screen logic we’ll soon be launching a new documentation section titled “Performance” which will highlight numerous app development best practices (and hope to have AI chat available soon to guide you through implementation). This information will be battle tested against performance benchmarks.

  • With the database transition almost complete we’ve started work on optimizing databases on a per-application basis. This is a pretty complicated challenge given the many ways in which any given app can query Collections, however we’re confident we can make significant improvements in this regard and will be updating the community whenever we roll out changes.

There are a number of other items we are working on concurrently, and again I want to emphasize we’re committed to Adalo 3.0–Adalo at 3x the speed it was in mid-year. Will have more updates as we roll through these items!


@james.crennan hi James, we did send an email but understand you’ll be very busy with all of the improvements being made to Adalo.

We received an email regarding action needed to preserve Adalo apps (users on the free plan) so just letting you know that as of last week we upgraded from the free plan to the starter plan :blush:


how did you do this? I was unable to purchase the initial plan

You should be able to purchase your desired plan here?

Any issues, contact Adalo support team :blush:

Thanks @TechaSoftware, and yes you can go there, but there should also be a button in your app if you click on your circled initials in the top right, then ‘settings’ and then ‘usage and billing’. The Maintenance Mode button is at the top → see screenshot:

Dear James, congratulations for the aim and the strength of the new ambitious project. I’m looking forward to it.

I’m waiting for the 3.0 version as a wedding dress… In the meantime I’ve two questions for you:

1.although I developed a WebApp for the company I work with and they’ve falled in love with it, it’s possible to migrate this app to the new profile I’ve planned to buy for them ?!
(We’re going to jump on “team” level until 5 published apps as soon as possible). is possible that I cannot delete some unused and useless apps from my profile?!

Thanks for the update in advance.
Good luck for everything you are planning on doing.


Hi @Dr.Robot!

You can absolutely move apps to a different team, if you’re building apps for a client. Please add the client account to the app & write in a ticket with information - and we’d be happy to do that for you!

Also, I’ve received your ticket about deleting apps with shared databases. We’re looking into it and will reach out soon with more information on the ticket.


I am from an EU country and wish to use Adalo to develop an app where the users are from the EU. To ensure that we comply with GDPR regulations, I want the data to be stored in the EU/Ireland. Can you say something about how to specify where data will be stored after the launch of Adalo 3.0 Do you specify that you want the data to be stored in EU when creating the app/database?

Thank you for your help!

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Dear James, thanks for the great update and looking forward for Adalo 3.0.
Any indicative timing when will it be launched? I am also keen to know more about the New Plans where App Actions will be killed. For a startup like mine, this is key to my survival. Thanks.

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Dear @james.crennan,

thank you for the update. I have a point with having to much logic on a screen because that’s why I’ve choosen Adalo, because it’s possible to use a lot of logic.
For example: For sure I could build a quiz and every question is one screen, but I want to scale the app and it’s much more quicker for a content creator just to add a question to the database that will be automatically seen in the app than to call the developer to build a new screen.

So my question is: Is this just a quick-win or is it also the future, that to much logic won’t work performantly?

Thank you so much!

Hi @NiMuePi

You don’t need to build a new screen for every new question you add.

You can, for example:

  • create a number property in the Users collection called “Question I’m seeing”
  • in the screen where you’ll show the questions, have a list of questions with “Maximum Number of Elements” = 1
  • and filter that list by ID = “Question I’m seeing”
  • every time a question is answered that property of the logged in user is updated to show the following question

Hope it helps!

I know, I did this. But the performance is not good. Often it loads the next question but not the anwsers - I have to reload the page in the staging preview to see all possible answers - not to say that you can’t reload the page on the phone.
Probably it’s why I have a lot of logic on the choosen answers, but I need this logic. So as I understood it right I should e.g. better use one screen for every question to reduce the logic and have a stable performance.

I’m not sure if having a screen with a list of question and a sub-list of answers of that question, with just one filter, qualifies as “too much logic”, specially if you set the maximum number of elements to 1.

It’s pretty straightforward… It shouldn’t affect performance much.

Do you have any other elements or filters in that screen?

Special is, that it’s sometimes multiple choice (text) as answers and sometimes buttons (jes/no) - so there are different visibilities. And every answer is a list because different things happen for each answer.

But the difference between multiple choice and yes/no questions is just the amount of answers and the content of the possible answers, right?

If your structure is “One Questions to Many Answers” you can add as many answers to each question as you want. It can have only two possible answers (“Yes” and “No”) or 4 possible answers (“Blue”, “Red”, “Green” and “Yellow”), depending on how many you add to each question, and the Answers collection has a true/false property “Correct Answer?”.

If it’s supposed to have different behaviors depending on if it’s a multiple choice or yes/no questions, that can also be a true/false property of the Questions collection and trigger different behaviors when you click on an answer.

I aprreciate your effort to help - The yes/no anwsers are buttons. The reason is, that I want more variety for the user. And I just took a look - for sure, all multiple choice answers are in one list (not in many - sorry), but the buttons are in another list with different visibility settings.
In another quiz in the app I therefore worked just with Mutliple Choice but even then sometimes the answers are not displayed especially when you answer the questions quickly.

If you’d like to send me more details & screenshots via DM I’m happy to try to help

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