Adalo iOS build fails with a certificate error

Related part in error log

|                         eInstalled Certificatee                         |
| User ID           | 5UH***                                        |
| Common Name       | Apple Development: J*** P*** (8C7***) |
| Organisation Unit | UGH***                                     |
| Organisation      | O*** H*** Ltd                                |
| Country           | US                                                |
| Start Datetime    | 2021-07-27 02:50:54 UTC                           |
| End Datetime      | 2022-07-27 02:50:53 UTC                           |

[13:16:09]: eCertificate '6N4***' (stored in your storage) is not available on the Developer Portale
[13:16:09]: efor the user c***@gmail.come
[13:16:09]: eMake sure to use the same user and team every time you run 'match' for thise
[13:16:09]: eGit repository. This might be caused by revoking the certificate on the Dev Portale
|                               eLane Contexte                                |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM                   | ios                                  |
| PLATFORM_NAME                      | ios                                  |
| LANE_NAME                          | ios beta                             |
| KEYCHAIN_PATH                      | ~/Library/Keychains/adalo_keychain   |
| SIGH_PROFILE_TYPE                  | app-store                            |
| MATCH_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_MAPPING | {"com.***.***"=>"match AppStore  |
|                                    | com.***.***"}                    |
[13:16:09]: eTo reset the certificates of your Apple account, you can use the `fastlane match nuke` feature, more information on

|              efastlane summarye               |
| Step | Action                 | Time (in s) |
| 1    | default_platform       | 0           |
| 2    | rm -rf                 | 0           |
|      | ~/Library/Keychains/a  |             |
|      | dalo_keychain-db       |             |
| 3    | create_keychain        | 0           |
| 4    | match                  | 4           |
| đź’Ą   | ematche                  | 3           |

[13:16:09]: efastlane finished with errorse

This is pretty urgent for us.
Anyone from Adalo team can help on this? We haven’t been able to build our app since Monday.
@anon78309838 @Victor @pford @Ben @ben1

I think error message changed, I see this error now:

exportArchive: Provisioning profile “match AppStore com..” doesn’t include signing certificate “Apple Distribution: O*** H*** Ltd (UGH***)”.

Is there a way to reset the certificate and provisioning profile on your end?

Hi @cihadturhan,

I would advise to submit a support ticket here: Submit a Support Ticket.

Best regards, Victor.

@Victor, thank you for the response. I did yesterday but got no response yet.

Hi @cihadturhan

I will look for your ticket when i get online at my computer, but most often certificate errors are solved by removing certificates in your own Apple developer account.

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@ben1 thank you! I removed some of them but I’ll remove all my certificates to make sure.

@ben1 removed all the distribution certificates but still didn’t work :frowning:

@cihadturhan Ok. I’ll get your ticket moved to the dev team and we can continue the convo there!

Thanks for doing that step. It’s the first recommended troubleshooting step anyway, so getting it out of the way will reduce turnaround time.

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@ben1 I haven’t heard from the team. Let me know if you need any information on our end to resolve this issue.

The issue is resolved. I don’t know if you fixed but it’s working now.

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