Adaptr Integration

Hi all,

I’m currently working on adding music streaming to my Adalo app and am hoping to use the Adaptr SDK to do so. I know Adalo can access other APIs, but I’m not sure if I can actually use the Adaptr SDK since it is specific to either an iOS, Android, or Javascript SDK. I’ve tried digging into it, but I’m afraid it’s a bit above my technical understanding so was hoping someone here might be able to help. Here’s the link if anyone is able to help make some sense of it:


Also, if it isn’t possible currently, would love to see an official Adalo/Adaptr partnership in the future! Seems like it’d be pretty mutually beneficial.

Hi @brennanjmgmt,

In my opinion, it will be very difficult (or even impossible) to integrate Adaptr SDK to Adalo app. Their SDK is written in Objective C / Kotlin, which is completely different from React Native (on which Adalo custom components are developed).

There is a slim chance that you can use their Javascript SDK. One of the options is to create some website, install Javascript SDK and display this website in a webview. May be this SDK could be somehow run using custom javascript component by Pragmaflow (Steven @TKOTC might advice here).

Best regards, Victor.

Hi Victor,

Thanks for the help! Unfortunately, that’s what I assumed. It sounds like the Adaptr team would very much like to make a standing partnership/component with Adalo though so hopefully that could happen. @barrettnash possibly?

Thanks again!