Admob no impressions on iOS

Hi Adalo Community.
In the app I have, I am running ads through the Admob marketplace extension. All went well during testing as I was able to see test impressions on both Android and iOS. However, since I published the app on both Stores, only Android ads are showing but not on iOS.

I have checked my Units #s and everything is fine there. I also see that there are requests being made on my iOS units but I seem to have an issue with impressions. Any help on what causes this issue? FYI, the Units are 3 days old.

→ This is the experience on Andoid.

→ This is the experience on iOS (missing ad at the bottom).

Thank you


I just checked this morning and iOS ads now have impressions :partying_face:

FYI, when you’re using Admob, just give it time before you see ads in production.

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