Admob problem, help!

I have a problem, the ads were working perfectly and without changing anything all the ads have disappeared and are not displayed in the app. In admob I get that they are active and is well configured because they already worked at the time.
How do I solve it?

Hey there @ramonroca

Tough to say the reason without having access to the admob account. I’d say to double-check your app settings tab to make sure it’s approved and ready:

Also, did you already add the app-adds.txt file to the root of your domain?

Here are the instructions:

Yes is “ready”
The app-adds.txt no, but I don´t know how to do it, it´s so complicated

All you have to do is create a text file called “app-ads.txt”, copy the value they provide and paste it into the text file. Then, upload the file to the root of your domain.

So for me, I always create a landing page to promote the app on the www subdomain of the domain.

For example, is the landing page (app-ads.txt is located in the root folder for this domain). This is a Wordpress website. This is also where I keep the terms of service and privacy policy pages for the app.

Then, I have as the app URL connected to Adalo.

I only have a sites google page with that how can I do it?

Great question. As it turns out, I’ve never used google sites and I don’t know the answer to your question.

You should research if your site has FTP capability because if you can, you can just use FTP to upload the file. This could also be a great learning opportunity for you if you reach out to Google’s support for help on this subject to learn how the files are set up for your site.

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