Airtable as a list

It displays the data from airtable as a list, and the is Public? field is I want to make it look like it doesn’t show anything other than true, but the filter doesn’t work and all of them are It will be displayed at. … external-collections-with-apis/airtable/ working-with-lists/filtering-airtable-lists

I’m referring to this link, but can anyone examine where I’m wrong?
I’ve tried many different descriptions, but they don’t get filtered and they all show up.

@yuri You have to use filterByFormula. See: Filtering Airtable Lists - Adalo Resources

Thank you so much! karimoo

also, “Trues” can be used from the Field Visibility, this way…
you dont need to write the code, you just select parameters and conditions :upside_down_face:
Capture du 2020-07-20 13-57-24

you are too advanced - forget all your code - this is no-code era !
:smile: :ok_hand:

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