An easy one...a simple indicator (not yet solved)

Hi. I am getting up to speed and could use help on how to create a simple indicator (like a simple circular LED light) that reflects True/False from a property.

There’s a component available for this, toggle (recently launched by Adalo)

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I have checked that out but I do not want to change the property. I want a true indicator. Display only. Can I still do that with a toggle?

Hi @PostThis,

You can add 2 icons, for instance, RadioButtonChecked and RadioButtonUnChecked.
Make them conditionally visible: one is visible if Property=True, and another is visible if Property=False.

You’ll have to experiment a bit with icon placement so that take the same place on the screen (may be you will need to put a “canvas” rectangle under these icons).

Best regards, Victor.

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Perfect. Thanks, Victor. btw, I sent you a request for 1-on-1 coaching a day or 2 ago. Need your help on bigger stuff.

Hi @PostThis,

Thank you, I’ve replied to you via email, sorry for the delay.

Best regards, Victor.

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