API of images integration without any property

Hi There!

I’m working on a project with Zillow API. There, I’ll use the API ID to fetch all the images.
But the problem I’m facing is, there are no properties under the API, just all the images popped (Screenshot attached)

Can anyone help me in integrating the collection as a list of images?

Thanks a ton!

Hi Ark, the Images collection is empty?

No the collection is not empty, but it doesn’t have any property.

Yes that’s what I mean. When setting up the api, try using the results key ‘images’

Yup, I did, still, there’s no property in the collection.

I believe probably the same issue as in this thread:

Thanks for the tip!

But in my case, I am using Zillow’s API to fetch the images of the property by passing the property’s id as a key. Hence the API is called dynamically every time.

The results in my case are just the URLs of the images that are under the property ID and I wanted to display the images in a list, can you please suggest me a way to do it?

Thanks again

Hi Ark,

So I would personally use Xano as it’s my back end of choice to transform the data. I’d loop through each item in that array and make it an object. And make sure what’s returned to Adalo is an array of objects. The free plan is rate limited though, so you’d need to use a paid plan of theirs once you reach production. I’m sure integromat etc can do the same thing though.

Thanks, Nathon for your Help!

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and just one more thing, how can we display the information of the property under a Deck Swiper?

For example, all the information in the Screenshot (the image in the swiper and the below information)
comes from the same collection, but I’m not able to link them together.

Kindly suggest me a way to fix this.


I didn’t use the deck swiper for a long time. I think there’s a click action on it. You could make clicking on the deck swiper update a hidden input text field to be the reference of that record.

Then below is a list of 1 item filtered by reference = text input value

I don’t wanna click the deck, I want the data should auto-populate when a card comes.

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