Hello Friends, I am trying to underline text. The difficulty of this is pretty much a deal breaker ( and I have put in considerable time and paid the $50). I work in a field adjacent to English instruction, and it is necessary that I can underline text in my apps. Is there something I am missing, or is the reality that adalo cannot easily produce underlines, ( I have the markup component: italics, and bold, I misspoke before).
Edit, using line component, I fix lines underneath example sentences. When using preview function, the lines do not appear where I fixed them because they are not mechanically attached to the words. In the project I am doing and for those users, underlines are industry standard practice rather than bold, italic, or bold-italic. But I might have to compromise and go wit the combo bold-italic
This is an issue with ADALO borders in terms of HTML/CSS I believe, if you are using PWA you can try a hack (Never tested in mobile) in both sides of the screen try adding a simple rectangle with same size:
Just color the rectangles after as same as your background. Should also work for mobile.
Hey JL,
I meant underlining text. using the line component or other work around. But thanks for this solution. I tried making Rectangles that are 1 high and the width of the word, but they still show up nowhere near where I need them to,
I am pretty close to jumping ship from Adalo to something else. I have already spent so much time learning Adalo, so bummed I gotta find a new building platform.