Hey @GOB,
This is related to the way Adalo renders pages and refreshes data.
You didn’t specify how do you get this value of progress. So for example, let’s assume you’re using Logged-in User → Progress value.
When you open the page, Adalo app sends a request to backend to get the record details for Logged-in User. It gets the progress value along with all details and then renders the page and progress bar.
If you change progress value after page is rendered, the app won’t know about it as there is no active client-server connection.
When you press a button, the page is re-rendered (even if there is no action on a button), so data is loaded again from the backend. Therefore the new value is received and progress bar is updated.
Now let’s see how lists with auto-refresh work. Basically, such list sends a request to the backend every 1…2 seconds and loads data again. By the way, that’s why putting too much autorefreshing lists can reduce app speed.
So as you can understand, when you put a list of Users on a screen and turn on list auto-refresh, the data is reloaded, new value is received and progress bar is updated.
However, if you put a list of another separate unlinked collection (e.g. Items) on this screen and turn on auto-refresh, the progress bar will not update. The reason is that Users info isn’t refreshed with Items, Adalo app doesn’t send request to a backend which aren’t needed.
Keep in mind this can be more complicated when you have collections with relationships: Adalo can load data quite intelligently and may request other collections as well.
The case of “refreshing” the screen is pretty frequent when you update the value from other sources, e.g. Make scenario. What I usually do - I wrap the element into a list, make it a single-item list so that it’s filtered to a current one element (if it is a list of Users - make it a list of Users where user email is equal to logged-in user email), and turn on autorefresh.
Another option is to do the same wrapping with an invisible label. The key is that this list should be a list of the collection in question (if we’re refreshing some Item - it should be a list of Items, etc.).