Best practice to store ''business hours'' in Adalo DB

Hey all!

What is the best way to store ‘Business Hours’ in an Adalo DB? Are multiple fields required or can a single column in my “Location” table store this data?

Thank you!

Hello, well it depends. If you’re not using the business hours as a time to limit some actions in your app, you can save it as a text. But if you would like it to be a condition in order to complete some particular actions, you can create 2 (Date and time) properties, so the first one will be the “Starting time” and the other one will be the “Ending time”.

Add a collection called “Days of the week” and add Sunday through Saturday.

Add a collection called “Hours of Operation”.

Add a one-to-many relationship between days of the week and hours of operation where a day of the week can have many hours of operation and hours of operation belong to 1 day of the week.

Add a one-to-many relationship between hours of operations and locations where a location can have many hours of operation and an hour of operation belongs to 1 location.

So now your locations can have hours of operations that belong to specific days of the week.

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