Button dissapear on different months

there is a way to make buttons or specific stuff for different months appear and disappear?

example: I’m going to put 12 buttons in same location, but they only will show depending on the months

@KlicIT, yeah you can do that! You can access the current month from date/time section from magic text. So you can add a input and for the default value add current time and click on it and format it to get the month only. Then for the buttons add the visibility condition as input > is equal to > and type the month. Since is equal to is a exact match enter with the format that how Adalo shows the month.

Also since you have to add this to your 12 buttons manually, you can create a month’s collection that has the months and when adding month records type with the format that how Adalo shows the month. Then remove 11 buttons and keep a one and make that button as list. Then connect it to the months collection and filter it as month name from the collection > is equal to > Input.

Sorry for the late reply … i did actually accomplish what i was trying to do like 3 hours after posting this, it in a different way but it works, but i think your way would be a better way tho, thanks for the reply

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