Can I automatically fill a field in a new record with the next available number in a series?

I’m trying to automatically assign a user ID number to each new user who creates an account in my app.

The numbers will be a simple series: 1, 2, 3, etc. If users 1, 2, and 3 already exist, the next user should be assigned the number 4.

Is there a way to do this automatically when a new user record is created? Either directly in the database or possibly in the Create Account form the user fills out?

Hi Michael,

You can add the created number property in your Signup form automatically section and fill with all users count from magic text ( after date/time section in magic text options ) +1. If it is a custom form on your Signup action you can fill the number property with all users count from magic text ( after date/time section in magic text options) +1.

Thank you

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If I use the Users Count to create this number, will the number change if I delete a previous user? Because I plan to use the number as a member ID, which would cause chaos if it changed.

Oh then I think you need to use the Record ID.

Still not available but Pragmaflow created a component.