I am building instagram post app via Michael’s video tutorial. I am can’t seem to get the profile image to store in the database. I don’t seen anywhere in the tutorial where you can do this. I can click on the image and it gives me the path to users image and i can see that image property exists in the users database but how does the image get there so that I can use it for a source in the profile user image setup. Also when the user uploads an image for a post it does not load. Posts don’t show up in explorer
Hi @shonesto,
For the image you can use the Image property!
If you add Current User > Image you will see a that user’s image or if you put Logged in user’s > image you should see the image of you! ( User that logged in/currently using the app ) To upload a image for the user on the Signup screen you need to add that image property on the form. If it’s a edit form on the edit profile screen you can also add the image property to update the image. Did I get you correctly?
In your Card list on the Image section can you try changing that section to Upload and again set the image property from the collection?
Thank you